WDT_ADVANCEMENT_PROGRAM - Advancement Program Dimension
| Advancement program dimension table contains a list of programs that may be linked to prospects. It uses the cleansing rules in the EDW for the short and long descriptions. | | |
WDT_ADVANCEMENT_PROGRAM_YEAR - Advancement Program Year Dimension
| Advancement program year dimension table contains a list of years that a prospect may be linked to. | | |
WDT_ENTITY - Entity Dimension
| Entity dimension table provides information about a person or organization. It uses the cleansing rules in the EDW for the short and long descriptions. | | |
WDT_FUNDRAISING_INITIATIVE - Fundraising Initiative Dimension
| Fundraising initiative dimension table provides information about proposal projects/purposes/interests. It uses the cleansing rules in the EDW for the short and long descriptions. | | |
WDT_MULTI_SOURCE - Multi Source Dimension
| Multi Source Dimension table provides an institution source value when the optional multi-source feature has been applied. Institution source VALUES have a short and long description. Data in this dimension may optionally include a process-oriented identifier and an administrative-oriented identifier for the record used to determine access authorization to this record. The cleansing rules are used in the EDW for the short and long descriptions. | | |
WDT_PROSPECT - Prospect Dimension
| Prospect dimension table identifying information about the prospect such as ID and name. | | |
WDT_STAGE - Stage Dimension
| Stage dimension table contains the various stages that a prospect/program prospect, prospect proposal, or prospect interest can be in. It uses the cleansing rules in the EDW for the short and long descriptions. | | |
WDT_UNIT - Unit Dimension
| Unit dimension table identifies schools or units and descriptions. It uses the cleansing rules in the EDW for the short and long descriptions. | | |
WFT_PROSPECT_INTEREST - Prospect Interest Fact Table
| Prospect interest fact table provides measures for target amount, target date, status date, if the prospect interest is active, total of all ask amounts, the last ask amount, the last ask date and start and end dates. | | |