WDT_ENTITY - Entity Dimension
| Entity dimension table provides information about a person or organization. It uses the cleansing rules in the EDW for the short and long descriptions. | | |
WDT_MULTI_SOURCE - Multi Source Dimension
| Multi Source Dimension table provides an institution source value when the optional multi-source feature has been applied. Institution source VALUES have a short and long description. Data in this dimension may optionally include a process-oriented identifier and an administrative-oriented identifier for the record used to determine access authorization to this record. The cleansing rules are used in the EDW for the short and long descriptions. | | |
WDT_SPORT - Sport Dimension
| Sport dimension table indenties the sport and participation level associated with a constituent's involvment with a sport. It uses the cleansing rules in the EDW for the short and long descriptions. | | |
WDT_SPORT_COMMENT - Sport Comment Dimension
| Sport comment dimension table provides comments related a constituent's particiaption in a sport. It uses the cleansing rules in the EDW for the short and long descriptions. | | |
WFT_SPORT - Sport Fact Table
| Sport fact table provides measures related to each sport in which a constituent participated while a student at your institution. | | |