Student Star |
Student fact table identifies all potential students for an academic period that ties to indicators that show the student as new or continuing, academic data, geographic data, etc. Use this fact to determine whether or not the student has been retained, graduated, etc. It uses the cleansing rules in the EDW for the short and long descriptions. | |
Target Column | Business Definition | Database Data Type | Source Name | Source Column | Local Source | Local Target | Star Name |
ACADEMIC_OUTCOME_GROUP_KEY | Key for the academic outcome group. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
ACADEMIC_OUTCOME_ROLL_KEY | Number associated with the specific academic outcome record that was created when the priority curriculum was rolled to history. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
ACADEMIC_PERIOD_FRSTATTEND_KEY | Key for the academic time dimension that identifies the first academic period that the student attended this institution at the student level by finding the earliest academic period with a student course that has a source type of history or registration. In Banner this is the minimum term with either an SFRSTCR or SHRTCKN record for the person at the student level. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
ACADEMIC_PERIOD_GPA | Student's academic period GPA includes all completed student courses within this academic period only. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
ACADEMIC_PERIOD_LASTATTEND_KEY | Specifies the latest academic period that the student attended this institution by verifying there are course in history or current registration for the highest academic period value. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
ACADEMIC_STANDING_END_DATE | Date the end of academic period academic standing from the history record was last calculated or manually updated for this student. | DATE |
NO | NO | |||
ACADEMIC_STUDY_KEY | Key for the academic study dimension. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
ACADEMIC_TIME_KEY | Key for the academic time dimension. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
ACADEMIC_YEAR_GPA | Student's academic year GPA includes all completed student courses within all academic periods associated with the specific academic year. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
ACAD_PERIOD_ATTEND_COUNT | Count of the number of academic periods the student attended the institution at the student level as a running total to this academic period. Each academic period with one student course in either history or registration will increment the count by one. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
ACAD_STUDY_REGISTERED_IN_COUNT | Number of academic periods where an attribute of the academic study was changed to a different value than the prior academic period. Changes apply within the student level to a change in program, college, degree or major. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
ADMIT_AGE | Age of the student at time of admission. This is calculated using the student birthdate compared to the start date for the academic period admit recorded for this student. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
APPLICATION_POSTAL_KEY | Key for application postal dimension. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
CHANGED_MAJOR_COUNT | Number of different major codes recorded since the academic period first attended for this student. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
COURSE_ATTEMPTED_COUNT | Number of student courses attempted by the student. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
COURSE_DROP_COUNT | Number of student courses dropped by the student as identified by the course registration status on the course section record. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
COURSE_FAILED_COUNT | Number of student courses failed by the student as identified by the final grade having a no in a credits passed indicator. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
COURSE_IN_PROGRESS_COUNT | Number of student courses retrieved as registered courses. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
COURSE_PASSED_COUNT | Number of student courses pased by the student as identified by the final grade having a yes in a credits passed indicator. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
COURSE_WITHDRAWN_COUNT | Number of student courses withdrawn by the student as identified by the course registration status on the course section record. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
CUMULATIVE_CREDITS_ATTEMPTED | Cumulative credits attempted based on the final grades for the student courses taken by the student. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | ||
CUMULATIVE_CREDITS_EARNED | Students cumulative GPA that includes all completed student courses through this academic period. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | |||
CUMULATIVE_CREDITS_FOR_GPA | Cumulative credits used in the GPA calculation based on the final grades for the student courses taken by the student. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | |||
CUMULATIVE_CREDITS_PASSED | Cumulative credits passed based on the final grades for the student courses taken by the student. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | |||
CUMULATIVE_GPA | Student's cumulative GPA that includes all completed student courses through this academic period. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
CUMULATIVE_QUALITY_POINTS | Cumulative quality points based on the final grades for the student courses taken by the student. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | ||
CURRENT_TIME_STATUS_DATE | Date the last system calculated or manually assigned time status record was created for the student in this academic period. | DATE |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
CURRICULUM_ORDER | Order of curriculum assigned by the system when multiple curriculums are recorded for a student. Determined by examining the active and current indicators on the curriculum rows along with the institution assigned curriculum priority to determine the main curriculum. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
CURRICULUM_PRIORITY | Institution assigned curriculum priority when creating multiple or concurrent curriculum records for a student. These numbers do not need to be sequential but the lowest number is considered the primary curriculum. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
DEMOGRAPHIC_KEY | Key for the demographic dimension. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
DEVELOPMENTAL_COURSE_IND | Institution defined value which indicates if a course is considered a remedial or developmental course. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
END_DATE | End date for the academic period last attended recorded for this student. | DATE |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
ENROLLMENT_STATUS_DATE | Date the academic period enrollment status code was assigned. | DATE |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
ENROLLMENT_STATUS_KEY | Key for enrollment status dimension. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
EXPECTED_GRAD_DATE | Date recorded when the student is expected graduate based on the student population (new or transfer), student time status (full or part time) and the academic period first attended that is manually input by the institution. | DATE |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
FINANCIAL_AID_STATUS_KEY | Key for financial aid status dimension. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
FINANCIAL_AID_YEAR_KEY | Key for financial aid year dimension. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
FTE_DIVISOR | Normal student credit load for this academic period. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
GEOGRAPHIC_REGION_KEY | Key for the geographic region dimension. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
INITIAL_ENROLL_STATUS_DATE | Date the student was first enrolled in an academic period that will not change when a new enrollment status is assigned and the enrollment status date is updated. | DATE |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
LEAVE_FROM_DATE | Date the student was approved to officially be on leave from the institution. | DATE |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
LEAVE_TO_DATE | Date the student was approved to officially return from leave to continue attending the institution. | DATE |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
MULTI_SOURCE_KEY | Key for the multi source dimension. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
OUTCOME_APPLICATION_DATE | Date the student officially applied for graduation and degree compliance verification. | DATE |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
OUTCOME_GRADUATION_DATE | Date the outcome (award, degree, certificate, etc.) was officially awarded. | DATE |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
PERSON_UID | Key for the person dimension. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
POSTAL_KEY | Key for the postal dimension. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
PREVIOUS_ACADEMIC_PERIOD_GPA | Student's academic period GPA includes all completed student courses within the academic period that was just prior to this academic period. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
PRE_STUDENT_STATUS_KEY | Key for the pre-student status dimension. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
RACE_GROUP_KEY | Key for race group dimension. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
RETENTION_LIKE_KEY | Key for retention like dimension. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
RETENTION_SEQUENTIAL_KEY | Key for retention sequential dimension. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
RETENTION_TIME_KEY | Key for the retention time dimension. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
START_DATE | Start date for the academic period first attended recorded for this student. | DATE |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
START_DATE_ADMITTED | Start date for the academic period admitted recorded for this student. | DATE |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
START_DATE_MATRICULATED | Start date for the academic period matriculated recorded for this student. | DATE |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
STREET_LINE_KEY | Key for street line dimension. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
STUDENT_COURSE_GROUP_KEY | Key for the student course group. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
STUDENT_FTE | Calculated value the uses the academic period registered credits divided by the normal full time student credit load to specify the portion of an FTE this student represents in this academic period. For example if this student has 15 credits and a normal credit load is 12, this student would be 1.25 FTE. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
STUDENT_KEY | Key for the Student dimension. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
STUDENT_LEVEL | Level of study for the students program or course work. For example, Undergraduate, Graduate, Credit, Continuing Education, etc. | VARCHAR2(63) |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
STUDENT_PERFORMANCE_KEY | Key for student performance dimension. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
STUDENT_STATUS_KEY | Key for student status dimension. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
SYSTEM_LOAD_PROCESS | Name of the transformation that created the row during the load activity process. | VARCHAR2(30) |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
SYSTEM_LOAD_TMSTMP | Most current date this record was created or updated. | DATE |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
TOTAL_ACAD_PERIOD_ATTEND_COUNT | Count of the number of academic periods this student attended the institution. Each academic period in history and the current registration are counted as one regardless of its relationship to this academic period. So if the student attend 5 through and 2 after this academic period the total academic periods attended count would equal 7. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
TOTAL_CREDITS | Sum of the registered credits for the student for this academic period. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | STUDENT | ||
TOTAL_CREDITS_ATTEMPTED | Total credits attempted based on the final grades for the student courses taken by the student. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | |||
TOTAL_CREDITS_EARNED | Total credits earned based on the final grades for the student courses taken by the student. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | |||
TOTAL_CREDITS_FOR_GPA | Total credits used in the GPA calculation based on the final grades for the student courses taken by the student. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | |||
TOTAL_CREDITS_PASSED | Total credits passed based on the final grades for the student courses taken by the student. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | |||
TOTAL_QUALITY_POINTS | Total quality points based on the final grades for the student courses taken by the student. | NUMBER |
NO | NO | |||
UNDECLARED_MAJOR_COUNT | Number of academic periods prior to the academic period when a major code other than the one specified in the institution undeclared major code rule. So if the rule using'0000' as undeclared and the student attended four academic period with that code and in the fifth academic period changed to'HIST', the undeclared major count would equal 4. | NUMBER |