WDT_ACCOUNT - Account Dimension
| Account Dimension table provides information for the hierarchy of the account. This information includes internal account type and account pool information as well as the two account types and four levels that may have been assigned to the account. It uses the cleansing rules in the EDW for the short and long descriptions. | | |
WDT_CHART - Chart Dimension
| Chart Dimension table provides information on the chart of accounts. This information is the chart code and descriptions. It uses the cleansing rules in the EDW for the short and long descriptions. | | |
WDT_FUND - Fund Dimension
| Fund Dimension table provides information for the hierarchy of the fund. This information includes the fund pool information as well as the two fund types and five levels that may have been assigned to the fund. It uses the cleansing rules in the EDW for the short and long descriptions. | | |
WDT_GRANT_DEMOGRAPHIC - Grant Demographic Dimension
| Grant Demographic Dimension table provides specific to the internal and external responsibility for management of the grant. This information includes the responsible internal organization and external agency and subagency as well as the principal investigator name. It uses the cleansing rules in the EDW for the short and long descriptions. | | |
WDT_GRANT_TYPE - Grant Type Dimension
| Grant Type Dimension table provides specific details for the purpose of the grant. This information includes the grant type, location, category and subcatergory research purposes. It uses the cleansing rules in the EDW for the short and long descriptions. | | |
WDT_MULTI_SOURCE - Multi Source Dimension
| Multi Source Dimension table provides an institution source value when the optional multi-source feature has been applied. Institution source VALUES have a short and long description. Data in this dimension may optionally include a process-oriented identifier and an administrative-oriented identifier for the record used to determine access authorization to this record. The cleansing rules are used in the EDW for the short and long descriptions.One row per multi_source per process group per admistrative group. | | |
WDT_ORGANIZATION - Organization Dimension
| Organization Dimension table provides information for the hierarchy of the organization. This information includes the organization pool information as well as the eight levels that may have been assigned to the organization. It uses the cleansing rules in the EDW for the short and long descriptions. | | |
WDT_PROGRAM - Program Dimension
| Program Dimension table provides information for the hierarchy of the program. This information includes the five levels that may have been assigned to the program. It uses the cleansing rules in the EDW for the short and long descriptions. | | |
WDT_TIME - Time Dimension
| Time Dimension table provides information on the time frame for which the rest of the associated dimension and fact table are storing the information in the star. The time dimension may be based either on a calendar, academic, financial aid or fiscal year, The time frame will go down at least one and sometimes two layers to periods and or sub periods of time. It uses the cleansing rules in the EDW for the short and long descriptions. | | |
WFT_GRANT_AND_PROJECT - Grant And Project Fact Table
| Grant and Project Fact table provides measures that may be compared and displayed based on the dimensions in this star schema. This set of measures is stored per grant or project, chart, fund, organization, account and program per time frame. | | |