WDT_ADMINISTRATION - Administration Dimension
| Administration Dimension table provides information for the person and their reporting structure within the institution. This information includes employer code, home organization and home chart of accounts. It uses the cleansing rules in the EDW for the short and long descriptions. | | |
WDT_DEMOGRAPHIC - Demographic Dimension
| Demographic Dimension table provides information for the person that is consistent whether this is an employee, inquirer, applicant, student or graduand at the institution. This information includes gender, ethnicity, age range and family income range. It uses the cleansing rules in the EDW for the short and long descriptions as well as the definition of the ranges in this dimension. | | |
WDT_EMPLOYEE - Employee Dimension
| Employee Dimension table provides information for the person that is an employee of the institution. This will include all employees who do not have an n Employee Status = 'T' (Terminated). This information includes employee class, employee EEO Skill, Tenure and whether or not they have an active employee position. It uses the cleansing rules in the EDW for the short and long descriptions. | | |
WDT_MULTI_SOURCE - Multi Source Dimension
| Multi Source Dimension table provides an institution source value when the optional multi-source feature has been applied. Institution source VALUES have a short and long description. Data in this dimension may optionally include a process-oriented identifier and an administrative-oriented identifier for the record used to determine access authorization to this record. The cleansing rules are used in the EDW for the short and long descriptions. | One row per multi_source per process group per admistrative group. | |
WDT_TIME - Time Dimension
| Time Dimension table provides information on the time frame for which the rest of the associated dimension and fact table are storing the information in the star. The time dimension may be based either on a calendar, academic, financial aid or fiscal year, The time frame will go down at least one and sometimes two layers to periods and or sub periods of time. It uses the cleansing rules in the EDW for the short and long descriptions. | | |
WFT_EMPLOYEE - Employee Fact Table
| Employee Fact table provides measures that may be compared and displayed based on the dimensions in this star schema. This set of measures is stored per people with any employee status except 'T' (Terminated) for the time frame. The active position indicator on the EMPLOYEE Dimension table will permit the exclusion of persons with no current active assignments in the time frame. | | |